Tag: outdoors
How to find and raise Monarch caterpillars
Enjoy one of North America’s most iconic and beautiful insects. Learn how to find and take care of Monarch butterfly caterpillars.
Fluorocarbon fishing line the way to go
Remember fluorocarbon? Yep, it is a preferred fishing line of the present and future and here’s why.
Lost bird rediscovered in the jungle of Venezuela
Researchers working deep in the forests of Venezuela rediscovered the Tachira Antpitta, a brown bird not seen since it was first recorded in the 1950s.
How to build a bat house
Before removing a colony of bats from your home, make sure you take the time to provide an alternate roost and help maintain the local bat population.
How to find and harvest wild blackberries
Gatherers can find wild blackberries in Ohio’s woodlands, along the borders of farm fields, and on overgrown fencerows.
Forests are great teachers
Judith Sutherland recalls childhood memories of afternoons spent in the woods behind her family farm.
Is it a praying or preying mantis?
Measuring up to 4 inches long, mantises are hard to miss. And because they are such beneficial insects, they get a lot of attention.
Shale gas development spurs invasive plant spread in Pa. forests
A team of researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences has found that invasive plants are increasing with natural gas development.
How to safely remove bats from your home
Learn how to safely remove bats from your home, and contribute to the protection and management of these beneficial mammals.
Meet the floating, midsummer blob
It turns out these gelatinous masses are colonies of thousands of individuals called zoids.