Tag: outdoors
How to control body odor this hunting season
The following is a detailed list of the important steps to control human scent, the biggest give-away that alarms deer and usually sends them running.
Help save Monarch butterflies in Ohio
The Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative is seeking public involvement to collect and drop off common and swamp milkweed seed pods from established plants.
Youth workshop to highlight fishing industry careers
Al Lindner and his son Troy Lindner are co-hosting a one-day class for up and coming young stars who see fishing as a worthy, life-long pursuit.
Get your feet wet to spot the elusive rail
Rails, gallinules, and coots live amid the dense vegetation that surrounds lakes, swamps, and marshes. Most species are seldom noticed.
Chemists discover antidote for deadly venom
Chemists at the University of California, Irvine have developed a way to neutralize deadly snake venom more cheaply and effectively.
Simplicity is still a good tactic for fishing
Lake Erie walleyes aren't all miles off shore. They can be caught in under 20 feet of water on Lake Erie's central basin, ranging from Lorain to Erie, Pa.
Prepare now for the arrival of blue jays
If you love blue jays, offer whole, in-shell peanuts. As long as peanuts are available, jays keep coming.
ODNR to purchase AEP recreation land
ODNR has signed a memorandum of understanding with AEP to negotiate for the state to purchase a major portion of AEP's 60,000-acre ReCreation Land property.
Good opportunity for tagging Monarchs
Much of what we know about monarch migration originates with the citizen science program called Monarch Watch.
Notice the sights and sounds of summer
Learn more about the chorus of insects whose songs fill summer nights, and the end-of-season sights yet to be seen.