Sunday, December 22, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "OSU Extension"

Tag: OSU Extension

Ohio State University Extension gives poultry producers a safe method for disposing of birds potentially affected by Avian Influenza.

Too many farms don’t have reliable systems in place to capture numbers that can help their bottom line. And sometimes, all it takes to track those numbers are 30 seconds, says OSU Extension Specialist Dianne Shoemaker.

A new leader for the Ohio State University Extension was announced at the Farm Science Review.

Members of the Ohio State University Weed Team are providing growers with free screenings of redroot pigweed, waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, as well as other weed species, this fall.

Dianne Shoemaker, statewide dairy specialist for OSU Extension, also owns a 150-head dairy farm in Mahoning County. She lives what she teaches and teaches what she lives.

There are 19 Ohio counties boasting more than 500 women farm operators; against that backdrop, Ohio State Extension and Kent State University-Tuscarawas Small Business Development Center will host the second annual East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference

A new Ohio State University policy requires all students, staff and volunteers working in programs with youth to be fingerprinted every four years.

Acorns from this year's fall crop could cause kidney failure in animals, particularly in cattle and sheep.

Frank Lichtkoppler played a major role in cleaning up the Ashtabula River, which took more than 30 years of work.

According to the NASS report, there are 95 million cattle in the United States. That is the lowest number since the report began in the 1970s.