Friday, March 14, 2025
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Tag: Ohio 4-H

Ohio 4-H extension educators see two trends with 4-H’ers this year. Some are taking a year off or otherwise stepping back from the program, largely due to concerns about the pandemic. Others are doubling down, despite lingering uncertainties. 4-H leaders are continuing to work out details of the 2021 season, as enrollment deadlines approach.

Ohio State University Extension is canceling all 4-H events, activities and programs through July 6, and all 4-H camps through Aug. 31, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kirk Bloir, Ohio's 4-H assistant director told 4-H members and volunteers in an email today.

Natalee Blackford, of Ashland, wraps up her 4-H career as Ohio Teen Leadership Council president, 2017 4-H Teen of the Year and 2016 4-H Teen Hall of Fame inductee.

While 4-H may be best known for large animal projects, there is a whole other side to 4-H that includes many clothing and other nonlivestock projects.

Ohio 4-H had the greatest participation in Raise Your Hand — a national 4-H initiative asking the millions of alumni to provide hands-on learning to youth.

The 4-H Ag Innovators Experience is designed for youth to learn about environmental and sustainability issues important to agriculture.

Ava Lonneman, of Portage County, Ohio, is the winner of the National 4-H Council’s 2017 Youth In Action Pillar Award for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). She will serve as a spokesperson for 4-H STEM programming across the nation.