Tag: nature
Get your feet wet to spot the elusive rail
Rails, gallinules, and coots live amid the dense vegetation that surrounds lakes, swamps, and marshes. Most species are seldom noticed.
Chemists discover antidote for deadly venom
Chemists at the University of California, Irvine have developed a way to neutralize deadly snake venom more cheaply and effectively.
Prepare now for the arrival of blue jays
If you love blue jays, offer whole, in-shell peanuts. As long as peanuts are available, jays keep coming.
Good opportunity for tagging Monarchs
Much of what we know about monarch migration originates with the citizen science program called Monarch Watch.
How to watch the 2017 solar eclipse
If you’re planning to watch the 2017 solar eclipse next Monday, you want to make sure you’re catching it at the right time and viewing it safely.
Fluorocarbon fishing line the way to go
Remember fluorocarbon? Yep, it is a preferred fishing line of the present and future and here’s why.
Lost bird rediscovered in the jungle of Venezuela
Researchers working deep in the forests of Venezuela rediscovered the Tachira Antpitta, a brown bird not seen since it was first recorded in the 1950s.
How to find and harvest wild blackberries
Gatherers can find wild blackberries in Ohio’s woodlands, along the borders of farm fields, and on overgrown fencerows.
Forests are great teachers
Judith Sutherland recalls childhood memories of afternoons spent in the woods behind her family farm.
Is it a praying or preying mantis?
Measuring up to 4 inches long, mantises are hard to miss. And because they are such beneficial insects, they get a lot of attention.