Tag: nature
Insects play the music of summer nights
The voices of owls and frogs subside in September, allowing insect sounds to dominate. Learn more about what to listen for on late summer nights.
Fleeing winter: A peek into fall bird migration
Did you know many songbirds travel at night during migration? Scott Shalaway offers insight on how and why birds migrate south for the winter.
Beetlemania: An inordinate fondness for beetles
Since his wife brought home that spectacular eastern Hercules beetle he described in his column a few weeks ago, Scott Shalaway has embraced beetlemania.
Undoing Nixon’s environmental legacy
Donald Trump has done his best to undo Nixon's environmental legacy. He has reversed or begun to roll back more than 80 environmental rules and regulations.
Living life on a sandy beach somewhere
Scott Shalaway delves into life on the beaches of the Atlantic Seashore, where many wildlife species thrive between low and high tide.
An update on tufted titmice nest boxes
Scott Shalaway shares an update on the active nest box in his grandson's backyard.
How to help turtles cross the road without doing harm
Learn how to help turtles cross roadways unharmed, without doing more damage than good in the process.
Treat your farm family to an Ohio summer staycation
Whether your family prefers the open road, nature, history, or opportunities to grow and know, Ohio staycations offer something for everyone.
Listen for Bullfrog voices on a summer night
Learn more about the bullfrog's habitat, mating habits, diet, natural predators and invasive status in parts of the world outside of the eastern U.S.
How do fertilized bird eggs transform into chicks?
Learn more about how a fertilized bird eggs develop into an embryo and then transforms into a chick mature enough to hatch.