Tag: Miscanthus
After a false start, miscanthus stutters into a new era
Aloterra touted miscanthus as the next big thing. The company got dozens of farmers to grow it for them. That was almost a decade ago. Where are they now?
Tour gives look at miscanthus potential
In 2011, giant miscanthus was introduced to northeastern Ohio, and residents in the area became curious as to what this tall grass-like plant was.
Will miscanthus crop live up to the promises?
Energy crop draws mixed reactions among area farmers.
At harvest, miscanthus growers hope secondary uses pay off
Federally supported energy crop competes for its place in the market.
Deadline approaching to sign up for giant Miscanthus program
CONNEAUT, Ohio -- Aloterra Energy is encouraging farmers and landowners to sign up quickly to grow giant Miscanthus, a non-invasive, perennial grass used for energy production.