Sunday, December 22, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "local food"

Tag: local food

We can restore our rural communities by supporting local food systems, investing in the local economy and participating in community building activities.

Eat in-season during winter by growing food indoors, using season-extending structures and supplementing with food from the cellar, pantry and freezer.

Learning the language of food labels helps customers make purchasing decisions and allows farmers to communicate about their products.

Locally grown food is good for eaters, the economy and the environment. It increases farm income, creates profitable new markets for local producers, brings people together, builds community and strengthens our food system.

It's a shame that far too many years passed in which not enough thought was given to the importance of buying locally.

Community supported agriculture, or CSA, has helped this Coshocton County grower reach the big market.

Food miles matter to farmers. Learn 13 ways that farmers can reduce the carbon footprint of food production.

Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture will hold a webinar, June 8, for the new 1LOCAL (One Local) Index designed to activate a dialogue between consumers, local food businesses and the farms they support.

Community supported agriculture, or CSAs, are farming operations that allow individuals to purchase a share of what the farmer produces.

As the first official day of spring quickly approaches, the thought of fresh fruits and vegetables comes to mind in anticipation of a new growing season.