Saturday, December 21, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "livestock"

Tag: livestock

The North American Manure Expo is coming to Ohio, and will share the latest science on nutrient management.

There are many factors that go into your decision to cut hay. The main question that you have to ask yourself is if cutting hay is the best management decision for your farm or are you doing it out of habit.

Editor Susan Crowell takes a look at climate change and livestock emissions: fact and fiction. There are best practices from the US that would help other nations become more sustainable.

Good legume establishment from frost seeding is not as easy as it may sound. It takes more than just broadcasting seed at the beginning of the growing season.

The Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board held a rule review meeting March 23.

Unable to serve during World War II, George Richey went abroad as a cowboy.

Extreme cold or rapidly changing weather can lower animals’ immune response, leaving them more susceptible to disease.

Dr. Pol tells the real-life story of being a farm veterinarian.

New life is a dose of the very best medicine.

Attending a sale searching to purchase hay can be exhausting. Check out this guide to know what the terms mean and what the hay means for your animals.