Tag: livestock
Holstein club posts show results
The District 3 Holstein Club held its Open Invitational Holstein Show June 17 at the Tuscarawas County Fairgrounds. Check out the results.
Screwworm still a serious threat to livestock
The New World Screwworm is a devastating predator of warm-blooded animals including livestock, companion animals and humans.
Like humans, pigs prefer new toys
Yes, even piglets prefer new toys. Pig brains are remarkably similar to human brains, so they are often used as model systems by neuroscientists.
5 tips to prevent dairy cow foot problems
Check out these five tips from the Penn State Extension Dairy Team on managing and preventing dairy cow foot problems.
Two sheep field days planned for July 14,15
The 2017 Ohio Sheep Day is scheduled for July 15 at the OARDC Sheep Research Unit, 5743 Fredericksburg Road, Wooster.
6 common foot problems found in dairy cows
Economic losses in dairy herd production can often be attributed to foot problems. Learn more about potential issues and how they can affect your herd.
Farmers battle animal welfare laws
Large-scale industrial farmers are pushing for changes that would make it harder for states to further regulate the way they do business.
Keeping U.S. pork safe from disease
The National Pork Board is creating a Secure Pork Supply plan to help America's pig farmers respond quickly and successfully to major threats.
Don’t neglect grazing strategies this summer
Take the time to understand how grasses grow and their optimum uses and best management. This sets the course for systems, strategies and opportunities.
Recognize, prevent heat stress in dairy cattle
Entering the hottest months of the year, it’s time to get familiar with the signs of heat stress and how you can keep your dairy herd healthy and happy.