Tag: livestock
Use caution as flood waters recede
The flooding may be over, but there are still concerns for farmers and for livestock.
Tips for a successful lambing season
Make sure your lambs get a good start by using the “clip, dip, and strip” technique in your lambing practices. It will help keep newborn lambs healthy.
Bill would exempt farms from reporting emissions
Bipartisan legislation introduced in U.S. Senate would exempt livestock farmers from reporting routine farm emissions under CERCLA, commonly known as the Superfund Act.
Unpaid sellers have 60 days to file a claim
USDA advises that any producers who have not received payments for animals sold through the Westminster Livestock Auction should file a claim.
Water access in winter pastures is critical
Water is essential for livestock year-round. For every pound of dry matter consumed, cattle will need to drink about seven pounds of water.
Winter cover crops make better spring soils
Grazing winter cover crops can provide winter forage for livestock, increase soil biology and organic matter and decrease soil erosion and nutrient runoff.
Cattle handling for beginners
Stockmanship is setting cattle up to do what you want them to do. Follow these basic tips for low-stress cattle handling.
How to assess herd health using rumination time
Measuring rumination time in dairy cows can help you better assess their overall health. Learn what trends to look for to monitor your herd's health.
Managing livestock, pastures in extreme winter weather
Extreme winter weather can stress your livestock and damage your pastures. Learn more about the best farm management practices to combat the cold.
Pennsylvania Farm Show livestock sale breaks record
Records were shattered when 423 animals grossed $376,121 at the annual junior livestock sale Jan. 9, at the 2018 Pennsylvania Farm Show.