Thursday, January 2, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "invasive species"

Tag: invasive species

The public is invited to a meeting for stakeholders along Conneaut Creek to learn more about a study of potential barriers for the invasive sea lamprey. 

Garlic mustard is capable of establishing dense colonies in woodlots, crowding out native plant species. Learn how to manage it on your property.

There are a lot of unknowns with the invasive Asian longhorned tick. However, some evidence has suggested they could be a new threat to cattle producers.

Common buckthorn and glossy buckthorn are invasive plants that are problematic not only from a forestry/wildlife perspective but also agriculturally.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture added Japanese Barberry, or Berberis thunbergii, to a list of noxious weeds.

Ohio Department of Agriculture announced a spotted lanternfly quarantine in Jefferson and Cuyahoga counties in Ohio where there are established populations.

Japanese clover is a persistent perennial, woody weed that will compete with your grass for nutrients, whether it be in your yard or in your pasture.

A population of the invasive spotted lanternfly has been found on the east side of Cleveland. The initial discovery was made Aug. 26.

Penn State educators emphasized that spotted lanternflies do not bite or sting and their flight behavior is short-lived, lasting a few days.

The Ohio Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Agriculture are asking for your help to look for signs of the invasive Asian longhorned beetle.