Thursday, December 26, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "insects"

Tag: insects

Learn more about Erica McAlister, author of the recent book, The Secret Life of Flies (2017, Firefly Books, $29.95).

Prevention is the best way to keep the stink bugs and lady beetles out of your house. Learn where to look for entry points to seal them out this spring.

Insects avoid winter extremes in the same ways that vertebrates do, but they do it from a variety of life history stages, not just as adults.

Asian Lady Beetles begin seeking shelter when outside temperatures fall in September and October. They find their way into tight cracks and crevices.

Blooming goldenrod is turning old fields into oceans of yellow. And orb-weaving spiders are hard to miss in these very same fields.

Learn more about the chorus of insects whose songs fill summer nights, and the end-of-season sights yet to be seen.

Measuring up to 4 inches long, mantises are hard to miss. And because they are such beneficial insects, they get a lot of attention.

The assassin bug known as the wheel bug is one of the largest terrestrial true bugs in North America.

When ear tags and an injectable growth implant called Long Range were used together, the study found cattle increased live weight gain by 30 to 40 pounds.

As the weather begins to chill and the sunlight hours fade, beware of yellow jackets becoming more aggressive.