Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "indoor gardening"

Tag: indoor gardening

Preparing your houseplants to transition indoors will help them thrive until next spring.

Succulents are some of the easiest plants to propagate. Many of them can root and produce a new plant from a stem cutting, a division, an offset or a leaf.

The National Bonsai and Penjing Museum at the U.S. National Arboretum will host a World Bonsai Day Festival May 12 to 14.

Some of the most common houseplant problems are a result of poor regulation of water, temperature, humidity and light.

Although lighting is the most important factor for a healthy herb garden, humidity, temperature, fertilizer, pots, soil and water all play important roles.

Eat in-season during winter by growing food indoors, using season-extending structures and supplementing with food from the cellar, pantry and freezer.

Succulents are easy to grow as long as attention is paid to environment, light, soil, water, fertilizer and pest control.

Building a simple A-frame grow light system for starting seeds indoors takes a trip to your local home improvement store and a few hours time.

Although caring for indoor plants is similar to outdoor plants, houseplants require a few special considerations.

Your guide to indoor care for amaryllises.