Friday, October 18, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "Hunting and Fishing News"

Tag: Hunting and Fishing News

COLUMBUS -- The Logan Hocking Middle School Archery Team and Cody Bush of Philo Junior High School took first place at the third National Archery in the Schools World Tournament held in Orlando, Fla., Oct. 6-8.

No harvested grain fields, no crummy weather, and even worse, no ducks. Yeh, I know, we should have called first.

SALEM, Ohio — Chris Adams of Fredonia, Pa., provided us with the second submission in our Brag About Your Bag photo gallery. Adams is pictured with the 185-pound deer he shot with a crossbow on Oct. 25. The photo was submitted by Sonya Ohler.

Among hunters and anglers a trophy is the mount that hangs on the wall. It is the memory of a conquest. Controversy It can also be...

It's that time of year again: Hunting season! We know our readers have triumphs to share and the photos to prove it. We want to see them!

Ten years ago, in the aftermath of 9/11, I wrote about nature's September highlights. I touched on fall colors, shorter days, cooler nights, and the migration of birds and monarch butterflies

ROANOKE, W.Va .-- West Virginia welcomes back Byron Ferguson to the 2011 lineup during West Virginia's Celebration of National Hunting and Fishing Day at Stonewall Resort State Park.

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) sued Consol Energy for civil damages resulting from a 2009 pollution incident in which discharges from a Consol coal mine entered Dunkard Creek, contributing to a massive fish kill spanning nearly 30 miles of stream in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

While touring the Portage County Randolph Fair, I spotted avid Suffield, Ohio outdoorsman Al Kisamore in the hog auction audience. He was representing the Ohio Fur Takers club, an active conservation-minded group that each puts its money where a needy mouth is.

Have crate, will travel. The crate is for Fido, a place for him to relax and feel safe, while you, the dog’s owner, travel. Crate? Travel...