Tag: Hunting and Fishing News
Dinner Guest: My dad makes the best…
Since it's almost Father's Day, Annette Crowell credits her dad with teaching her cooking skills. Read more in Crowell's Dinner Guest post.
Fishing records continue to be set
Fishing records only hold for so long, before a new record is set.
Bring on the season of wrist flick syndrome
Get your pole and lure, because fishing time is finally here.
Pulling wire line with an old-school master
Known far and wide as a significant site for trophy lake trout, Lake Temagami is good, but not the big fish producer it was at one time.
Your Canadian fishing vacation by the numbers
Yes, a trip to Canada trip cost money, gasoline is more expensive than here, and yada, yada, yada. But really, a gallon is bigger there and a mile is a kilo — or is it?
Ohio Wildlife Council receives 2015-2016 deer hunting proposals
Proposed regulations to the Ohio Wildlife Council include a reduction in bag limits and antlerless permit use, as well as a shift in the youth season during the 2015-2016 hunting seasons.
Good hunting through end of February
From coyotes to antler sheds, February brings more opportunity.
Antlered does give hunters an unusual surprise
Deer biologists predict that only one in 5,000 or less than one in 10,000 antlered does exist among the antlered deer population.
Polar vortex, 1; not-to-be-intimidated duck hunters, 0
The duck hunters awoke to limited visibility as the snow flew hard in horizontal sheets. A painful wind pushed the feel-factor far into the sup-zero, frostbite region. Our determination to complete our week-long mission blew away with the 30 knot winds.