Tag: holidays
12 stages of Christmas (movies)
Kymberly Foster Seabolt reviews the 12 common, and sometimes corny, cliches of Hallmark Channel Christmas movies and reflects on why she still enjoys them.
Local: The Gift that Gives Back
Support hometown businesses this holiday season. Try these local gift ideas, learn where to find locally made gifts and learn how to buy local online.
Cakes and Breads in Jars: Are They Safe?
Canned breads and cakes have the potential to deliver a dangerous dose of Clostridium botulinum spores, which cause botulism.
How to make fresh-cut holiday decorations last
Try these tricks and tips to keep live wreaths, swags and garlands beautiful throughout the holiday season.
Gifts for avid hunters, anglers and outdoorsmen
If you have a hunter, angler or outdoorsmen on your holiday shopping list, check out these suggestions to find the perfect gift!
Holiday diet fluctuations impact risk for cardiovascular disease
Research led by Wayne Campbell shows risk factors for cardiovascular disease closely track changes in eating patterns.
How to enjoy holiday foods without overdoing it
Learn how to maintain a healthy weight while still enjoying all the delicious foods and traditions associated with the many celebrations of the season.
How to avoid the top Thanksgiving food safety mistakes
Learn how to avoid the five most common Thanksgiving dinner mistakes and improve food safety for your family this holiday season.
How to plan Thanksgiving dinner on a budget
Try these tips to keep up with family traditions and stay within your budget.
Memories of Halloweens past
Judith Sutherland has watched Halloween evolve from an innocent childhood community celebration to a high-dollar commercial industry.