Monday, March 24, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "history"

Tag: history

Judith Sutherland considers the significance crossroads communities used to have in rural American, recalling the history of Eckley community.

Paul Locher offers a look inside the affairs of an apple butter party in Ohio Country in the early 1800s.

Paul Harvey, who died Feb. 19, dedicated his life to serving his small community in Pennsylvania and preserving history at Coolspring Power Museum.

Apple butter is forever linked with the German communities of the southeast Pennsylvania region, who brought the tradition with them when they crossed the mountains into the Ohio territory.

Item No. 1284 is about 3 1/2 inches long with small tools that swing out, similar to a Swiss Army Knife or modern day multi-tool.

Paul Locher provides a history of how Johnathan “Appleseed” Chapman's orchards became used by Jerome Monroe Smucker to create the J.M. Smucker Co.

Paul Locher explains how valuable apples were on the frontier of Ohio Country in the early 1800s, and how settlers improved varieties.

After corn was husked, it had to be shelled and processed before it could be cooked into a meal in the early 1800s in Ohio Country.

Paul Harvey provides a brief history, and a look into the significance of DeLaVergne engines.

Item No. 1282 is about 9 inches long with a wooden handle and a steel, toothed end.