Tag: harmful algal blooms
Algal blooms are a growing problem in Lake Erie
Fulton County Soil and Water Conservation District intern Cole Plassman provides insight into the issue of harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie.
Lake Erie’s harmful algal bloom forecast to be moderate in 2024
A wet early spring will likely bring a moderate to above-moderate harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie this year, according to the NOAA annual forecast.
Scientists predict mild harmful algal bloom for Lake Erie this year
Researchers are predicting a mild harmful algal bloom for Lake Erie this year, following a dry spring.
Study finds that big rains will bring big algae blooms
A new study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison shows how soon after a storm phosphorous "loading" sparks algae explosions.
Researchers forecast mild algal bloom for Lake Erie
For the third year in a row, Lake Erie is expecting a below average algal bloom this summer, due largely to less heavy rainfall. The bloom is expected to be at a 3.5 on the severity index.
Researchers talk algae blooms, water quality programs
Researchers and leaders in both the Ohio Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency discussed updates on harmful algal bloom research, and water quality programs in the state at the Understanding Algal Blooms: State of the Science virtual conference Sept. 8.
Lake Erie harmful algal bloom likely to be mild this year,...
Researchers are expecting a relatively mild harmful algal bloom in Lake Erie this summer. This follows a similarly mild bloom in 2020.
H2Ohio budget challenges not over
The H2Ohio program is continuing to face budget challenges due to the pandemic. In the mean time, researchers say solving Lake Erie’s water quality problems will require long-term investments and work to reduce nutrient runoff. And some are suggesting that phosphorus built up in soil, rather than phosphorus from new fertilizer applications, might play a bigger role in those problems than previously thought.