Tag: grain
Predicting the grain market yields a lot of mistakes
A career in calling the markets means a career of natural mistakes.
Field Notes: Dairy farming, small grains
In this week's episode of Field Notes, online content producer Katie Woods gives us a look at Raygor Farms in Dalton, Ohio, plus the recent small grains field day held in Wooster, Ohio.
Small grains field day offers opportunities for farmers
The first small grains field day, held June 14, in Wooster, offered a closer look at small grains for forages, new cash crop opportunities and disease prevention
Back-and-forth between Cavs and markets
The Cavs and grain markets have both been entertaining recently.
Mimicking nature: Cover crop guru Dave Brandt was an early adapter
Dave Brandt and his family have been using cover crops since the 1970s, and now operate a cover crop business.
Strange markets as traders watch planting progress
Traders fell over themselves finding reasons for the differences, but they are hard to explain.
USDA supply and demand report produces one-day wonders
As usual, the results in the market were based more on the spin than the actual numbers.
Corn growers expect major increase in acreage
USDA planting report says growers plan to plant more corn, less soybeans.
Another Tuesday, more market struggles
We got down to the new market low, then we have struggled to get off it.