Tag: grain markets
The big day is finally here (get your USDA report game...
Today is the day of the landmark USDA Planting Intentions Report. Everyone's waiting for the noon hour release!
Some Irish luck for the grain markets?
On this St. Patrick’s Day we hope that the luck of the Irish is for better grain prices.
Lackluster grain markets trade weak news
The next real grain market news does not come until the March 31 USDA Planting Intentions Report. Currently we think that the acres will be several million below the planting of last year. Now comes the guessing.
Before the report, grain markets are cautiously higher
The critical numbers in the Supply and Demand Report are the carryouts. That is, what grain volume do we project to have left at the end of the marketing year?
A hint of better grain prices this morning
These are hard times to make decisions, and most farmers have deferred decisions and are just storing crops for higher prices.
Recent grain market mystery solved
When you have the futures market $2 above the cash market, your intuition is that the market is just broken. How ag economists solved the mystery.
News nudges corn and wheat to highs
Speculation about Russian wheat exports seems to be the cause of recent price jumps in the Chicago wheat futures.
Economists advise grain producers to watch the bottom line as prices...
Grain producers should consider cutting costs to prepare for what could be several years of lower crop prices, say Purdue University agricultural economists.
USDA reports yield just a murmur on grain markets
With the big grain crops, prices do not have a good reason to improve. There are hard decisions ahead for farmers.