Tag: grain markets
Soybean rally teases prices higher
Soybeans continue to rise, driven by the continued dryness in Argentina. The truth about the Argentine harvest is not known yet, but futures markets tend to over-react on the unknown.
Winter puts markets to sleep, for now
As it stands right now, the markets act like they have gone to sleep. But that is sure to change headed into the new year.
Grain exports offered $55.5 billion in economic output
U.S. feed grain and grain products exports were worth $18.9 billion in 2015, and supported $55.5 billion in economic output.
Understanding ‘carry’ in grain marketing
How to calculate carry and begin to formulate your grain marketing plan. John Berry, PSU Extension educator shares his grain marketing advice.
Grain markets: Little to gain from long weekend
The fond hope of the Labor Day weekend was that, with an extra day of mystery and no trading, we might see some gains...
Everyone’s waiting on USDA’s Aug. 1 report
What does USDA think we will see for crop production? Everyone is waiting for the latest report on Aug. 10.
Are poor crop conditions pushing prices up (or down)?
Is the current change in grain market prices a correction, or is it a reality change brought by a change in attitude or weather forecast? Our fearless grain commentator Marlin Clark weighs in.
AFBF launches market reports
The American Farm Bureau Federation announced the launch of Market Intel, a new series of market intelligence reports.
Future of agricultural trade is unclear
U.S. farmers who grow an abundance of corn and soybeans will be right there at the top of this changing tide.
2017: Hard numbers and hard politics
Columnist Alan Guebert breaks down commodity projections for 2017.