Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "gardening"

Tag: gardening

There are a couple overwintering options for container-grown trees that protect their root systems without bringing them out of a dormant state.

The Mahoning County Master Gardener Volunteer program training will be offered through Mahoning County OSU Extension starting Feb. 7.

Julie Geiss balances all the treats of the holiday season with healthy sprouts she's learned to grow herself in mason jars on a windowsill.

Learn how to grow your own native Christmas tree to plant at the end of the season to benefit wildlife and improve the ecosystem in your backyard.

Cuyahoga SWCD, Chagrin River Watershed Partners, and Lake County SWCD are offering five Master Rain Gardener courses in 2023.

Rain gardens on farms offer many benefits — they can reduce stress on field tile, lessen runoff, increase pollinator activity and add beauty to your yard.

Instead of tossing those leaves — and with them a myriad of beneficial nutrients and minerals — make leaf mold to benefit your yard and garden.

Stark Soil and Water Conservation District is now accepting orders for Ohio native shrubs.

Fall is an ideal time to plant new trees. Learn more about the nuances of planting and successfully establishing balled-and-burlapped trees.

"Home Food Preservation: Introduction to Drying" will be Oct. 19 5-7 p.m., at Ambridge Do It Best, 500 Ohio River Blvd., Ambridge, Pennsylvania.