Thursday, December 26, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "gardening"

Tag: gardening

Media stories about pesticides may convince some consumers certain fruits and vegetables aren't safe. But what is the science behind the information?

Planting modern victory gardens reduces food insecurity by improving access to healthy, nutritious food.

One of the more important steps gardeners can take before spring arrives is to educate themselves about plant hardiness zones.

The assassin bug known as the wheel bug is one of the largest terrestrial true bugs in North America.

A prairie is a natural-looking garden of native grasses and wildflowers. They are easy to establish, virtually maintenance free and attract pollinators.

Some of the most common houseplant problems are a result of poor regulation of water, temperature, humidity and light.

Whether you are breaking ground for a new garden or getting an existing bed in shape for spring, a little preparation goes a long way.

The Penn State Master Gardeners of Lawrence County are holding their spring symposium April 1, at the Northminster Presbyterian Church.

Vertical gardening, container gardening, and growing mini and baby vegetables are three techniques that grow more food in less space.

If you’d like to grow fresh fruits and vegetables without the challenges of a traditional garden, a straw bale garden may be the right choice for you.