Sunday, December 22, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "FSA"

Tag: FSA

Dairymen have the option of opting out of the USDA’s Farm Service Agency Margin Protection Program for 2018 without paying a fee.

To get information to you easier and more timely, you can now receive text message alerts from your local FSA office.

County committee members are a critical component of the operations of FSA. They help deliver FSA farm programs at the local level.

FSA's employees not only help customers understand the programs we administer, but they also care about their customers.

A local FSA office recently enjoyed dipping ice cream at the Ice Cream Barn for its county fair.

A 10-year-old donated all the proceeds from the market lamb he brought to the Harrison County Fair to childhood cancer research, in honor of his friend.

Learn more about the history and evolution of the Farm Service Agency, and find out how you can help in your county.

If you have crop insurance or participate with FSA, you need to have a highly erodible and wetland conservation form on file.

The folks at FSA are looking for a few good producers to join their county committees.

Don't forget that the crop reporting deadline for spring-planted crops is July 15, and it will be here before you know it.