Tag: foraging
How to harvest and enjoy hazelnuts
Primetime to harvest hazelnuts in the Midwest is from the end of September into October. Learn how to correctly identify, harvest and enjoy them.
How to find and harvest crabapples
Crabapples are a wild apple variety that is common and widely distributed across the Midwest. Learn how to find and harvest crabapples.
Fungi foray: Wild mushrooms are a key part of food chain
Walt Sturgeon, a nationally known expert on mushrooms, educates enthusiasts about foraging for, identifying and eating wild mushrooms.
How to harvest and use dandelion roots, leaves and flowers
Dandelions are nutritionally valuable, support digestion and absorption of minerals and help the lymphatic system and urinary tract function.
How to treat seasonal allergies with wild herbs
Wild herbs can be used to relieve sinus pressure and other allergy symptoms. Learn how to find, harvest and use them to combat your seasonal allergies.
How to enjoy ramp season without overharvesting
Ramps have become at risk of being over-harvested because of a spike in popularity. Learn how you can enjoy ramp season without overharvesting them.
Mysterious ginseng root prized in area
Appalachian Ohio's wild ginseng is so highly prized it's called "green gold" in some communities. Barb Mudrak digs deep into the world of ginseng harvesting.
How to find, harvest and enjoy American persimmon
Learn how to find and identify American persimmon trees, when to harvest their fruit and how to enjoy your bounty.
How to find and harvest wild American ginseng
Ohio’s ginseng harvest season opened Sept. 1. Learn more about the state’s regulations, as well as, how to find, harvest and dry American ginseng.
How to use plantain herb for common ailments
Learn to gather and use plantain to treat common ailments like bronchitis, burns, rashes, insect bites/stings, ulcers, urinary tract infection and wounds.