Tag: forages
Cattle producers might need to test, supplement poor-quality forages
Drought of 2012 could affect forage quality through the winter.
Forage conferences set at four locations
ARLINGTON, Va. -- Kicking the Hay Habit: Increasing the Profitability of Virginia's Ruminant Livestock Operations is the theme for the Virginia Forage and Grassland...
Improving forage: Lessons to learn
It looks like the drought of 2012 is in the record books. Rainfall is back and we actually have seen pastures and hayfields recover...
Even late in season, you can get more forage from fields
Livestock graziers, now is a good time to finish what is left in your hay fields and then utilize forage in stockpiled areas.
All About Grazing: Now is a great time to manage fescue
Infected fescue is insect, disease and drought resistant. It is also a nitrogen scavenger. This gives it an advantage over other forages, especially on poor soils.
All About Grazing: Preparing for fall and winter forage use
The wet spring and early summer weather has led to many questions regarding hay quality and the factors beef producers should consider when planning their cow wintering programs.
All About Grazing: Be aware of prussic acid and potential damage...
After our county fair in August, Athens County hosted the Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Beef Grazing Tour. One of the discussions during the tour centered on some patches of johnsongrass in a stockpiled field of fescue.
OSU to host beef and forage night at Jackson Agricultural Research...
JACKSON, Ohio -- Beef producers are dealing with the rising costs of feed and inputs for making hay, not to mention the impact of this year's weather on forage quality and seeding.
OSU Extension to offer sheep, goat FAMACHA training
OLD WASHINGTON, Ohio — Sheep and goat producers are invited to a workshop designed to certify sheep and goat producers in FAMACHA and learn...