Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "food safety"

Tag: food safety

Learn why eating black licorice can cause health problems for some individuals and get some tips on celebrating Halloween safely amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Those interested in learning how to create a charcuterie board are invited to take part in a Penn State Extension webinar planned for Oct. 1.

Determine whether food you purchased recently might contain onions that have been recalled by Thomson International Inc. of Bakersfield, Calif.

Although many people use color as an indicator of doneness when grilling meats, to lessen your chance of foodborne illness use a meat thermometer.

It's not safe to wash or rinse any food products with any form of bleach, disinfectant or any other household cleaning chemicals.

A multistate outbreak of cyclospora is under investigation. Find out which brands it has been linked to, where it's been sold and what symptoms it causes.

Sometimes fresh produce can contain small pest infestations that aren't harmful for consumers. Learn more about these occurrences and FDA guidelines.

Food safety experts consider the risk of acquiring COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, through handling fresh produce extremely low.

There are several steps you can take to ensure that your guests enjoy the game and foods you’re serving without walking away with a case of food poisoning.

If your home becomes flooded, it is important that you throw away any food that might have come into contact with floodwater.