Sunday, December 29, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "farm safety"

Tag: farm safety

As farmers across Pennsylvania return to the fields to plant crops this spring, representatives are promoting safe driving on rural roads.

15 safety tips to make 2017 the safest year on your farm yet. Set goals to get more training and education for yourself and your employees.

The first point in silage safety is to recognize that silage avalanches are real and there is no way to predict when and where they will occur.

With harvest winding down and manure application underway, it's a good time to remember manure safety.

The Penn State Extension Dairy Team has released a 2017 calendar to help agricultural producers implement and maintain necessary safety procedures on their dairy farms.

Hayride safety checklist and more.

Worker fatalities among workers younger than 16 run higher in agriculture than all non-agricultural industries combined.

Each year we hear of farm accidents where someone has entered a confined space and been overcome by gas or fallen into a manure lagoon and been drowned.

Manure handling equipment requires attention to detail, and not getting too comfortable.

Understanding a tractor’s stability — its center of gravity and stability baseline — in relation to outside forces could prevent a major accident or injury.