Tag: farm management
Time to try a roller crimper on cover crops
This spring would be a great time to look into the advantages of using a roller crimper to terminate cover crops for even more benefits.
Evaluating management practices for backgrounding cattle
Learn more about management practices for backgrounding stocker calves on grass in 2023.
Anticipated lower income over feed costs ahead
Feed costs often make up about 50% of the cost of milk production, so farmers need to monitor it closely as it has a major impact on a farm's profitability.
Appraising who’s grazing and the damage being done
There are a few actions that can be taken to reduce the yield loss in hay fields from damage caused by white-tailed deer.
Spring management for winter annual cereal forages
It may still be early March but now is the time to consider the need for spring fertilizer or weed control in winter annual cereal forages.
Why you should conduct a SWOT analysis of your farm
A SWOT Analysis is an opportunity to analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats associated with your dairy farm business.
Considerations of early season hayfield scouting
Be on the lookout for the heaving of the crowns and root systems, healthy stems and toxic weeds you begin scouting your forage fields.
Deadline coming soon for Farm Bill program choices
The 2018 Farm Bill program decision for 2023 is due with your local FSA office on March 15. Here are some tips to help decide what's best for your farm.
Determine soil nutrient needs prior to grazing
Soils with adequate nutrients and pH promote pasture growth and development. Soil sampling is the most accurate way to determine what your pasture needs.
Grazing practices to prevent grass tetany
Good grazing management can help prevent grass tetany. Here are a few considerations and practices to implement during your early spring grazing season.