Tag: farm management
Turning marginal ground into a water quality a win for farmers
Marginal lands could become useful and potentially profitable if they are planted with perennial bioenergy crops such as shrub willow and switchgrass.
Plan: Coping with farm-related stress
If guilt, anxiety and helplessness feel normal this season, recognize you are not alone and consider taking some steps to cope with the stress in your life.
Ohio on track to have third wettest year
Total Ohio rainfall for 2018 will likely will be the third highest on record, and that caused trouble for lots of farmers.
Uncertainty defines the grain markets
The U.S. grain market is finding it hard to define what is going on, and that results in nervous traders and a directionless market, says our fearless grain commentator Marlin Clark.
Second round of trade mitigation payments announced
Farmers whose markets were disrupted by ongoing trade disputes can now get Market Facilitation Program payments for the second half of their 2018 production.
Still trying to finish my grazing list
Take this time of year to evaluate whether all of your planning and preparation has paid off or if you still have some work to do.
Grain market waiting for the other shoe to drop
The three-month trade negotiation period with China comes at a bad time for farmers, as it stretches out the period of our lack of sales of soybeans into the time when new crop beans will become available out of South America.
Ohio shepherds talk tools for success, not just survival
The key to profitability in sheep farming starts with the shepherd’s understanding of the tools available and skillfulness in using them.
Farm policy: The more things change …
Ag policy doesn't make sense (except to produce cheap food), says grain merchandiser Marlin Clark in his column this week.
Harvest weather is gone, crops aren’t
A fair amount of corn and soybeans still remain in the fields in Ohio, but it remains to be seen just when the harvest will finally end.