Saturday, December 21, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "farm management"

Tag: farm management

Cover crops can be beneficial to most dairy farms, providing additional forage options, reducing erosion and runoff, improving soil health and more.

Oats are a good crop to consider as an alternative forage because of its flexibility as a feed, yield potential and low-cost establishment.

David Marrison encourages readers to pause from the daily grind and clear their minds to think about their farms, their goals and their communities.

Ohio State University Extension utilizes FINPACK to perform financial analysis of farms throughout Ohio. Learn how to evaluate your beef farm's performance.

Learning is a lifetime process. Continuous learning can improve your cattle business.

"The History of COBA/Select Sires, Inc.," by Richard Kellogg, written in July 1980, offers insight for the management of today's dairy farm businesses.

Small-scale egg producers and their consumers should understand good handling practices to ensure food safety when buying or selling farm fresh eggs.

The discussion is growing on using fungicides to prevent high DON levels. The short answer is yes probably, but fungicide selection is very important.

When we finish first-cutting hay, it seems to me to be a great time to assess our pasture condition and hay supplies.

Determine when it is the right time to re-seed your hayfield based on your soil conditions and how you choose to manage your fields.