Tag: family farms
Years of waking up early to milk become ingrained
No matter how many years have passed, Judith Sutherland still sees time on the clock as it pertains to milking time.
Family farms still rule US but non-family farms growing
Family farms still make up 96% of all U.S. farms, but the number of non-family farms is climbing. The number of non-family farms grew 18% from 2012 to 2017.
Farms teach about love and loss
Judith Sutherland recalls a cow from her youth that taught her about love and loss on the farm and details how the lesson prepared her for life.
Summer’s end brings happy memories
Judith Sutherland's grandson and great-nephew enjoy watching the kicker baler make its way across her western boundary field.
Continuing a legacy of front porch sitting
Julie Geiss explains where the tradition of relaxing on her front porch originated, recalling the time she spent with her grandparents on their front porch.
Respect, loyalty can be lifelong
Judith Sutherland recalls a lesson she learned about respect and loyalty when a man stopped by to talk to her father about changing milk haulers.
Sixth generation enjoys life on the farm
New columnist Julie Geiss shares some of the adventures her and her children have had on their family farm.
Twine and duct tape are farm staples
Judith Sutherland shares a column from 2007, about the many uses of twine and duct tape on a dairy farm.
Life after dairy
For many dairy farmers, moving on is tough. It was no different for Jim and Donna Beardsley, but they managed to keep the farm going after selling the herd.
What is and what should never be
Reporter Rachel Wagoner reflects on what she learned from the Dairy Dilemma series and how she thinks we can fix the dairy industry.