Tag: EPA
Waiting for more information following East Palestine train derailment
Not far from the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, Kym Seabolt shares her thoughts on the events that have transpired since it occurred Feb. 3.
EPA bans chlorpyrifos on food crops, due to neurological health concerns
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Aug. 18 that it will no longer allow the pesticide chlorpyrifos to be used on food, due to health concerns.
Chesapeake Bay sues EPA for not protecting air quality
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and environmental and public health partners sued the EPA for refusing to strengthen air quality limits.
Groundwater groups urge EPA to fund better stormwater systems
Small rural towns have less money or expertise to protect their groundwater, says the National Ground Water Association and Groundwater Protection Council.
EPA head visits Ohio Farm Bureau president’s dairy farm
EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler toured Frank Burkett's farm Oct. 6 and held a press conference, where he touted the agency’s cooperation with farmers.
Federal court sends illegal water rule back to EPA
A federal court said the 2015 Waters of the United States rule is unlawful under the Clean Water Act.
Undoing Nixon’s environmental legacy
Donald Trump has done his best to undo Nixon's environmental legacy. He has reversed or begun to roll back more than 80 environmental rules and regulations.
EPA rule exempts farms from emissions reporting
The U.S. EPA finalized its rule exempting livestock farmers from reporting to state and local authorities the routine emissions from their farms.
Antero fined $3.15 million for WV violations
Antero Resources will have to pay a civil penalty of $3.15 million for violations of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) at 32 sites in West Virginia.
Ohio EPA seeks input on oil and gas rules
Ohio EPA is requesting early input until Dec. 19 on rules that would cover air pollution emissions from existing nonconventional oil and gas facilities.