Saturday, December 21, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "energy"

Tag: energy

Calls to repeal House Bill 6 have gotten louder after Sam Randazzo, chairman of the PUCO, resigned Nov. 20 after the FBI raided his home.

ReImagine Appalachia's plan would create jobs, but require billions of dollars in funding and put 28,000 workers in fossil fuels industries out of work.

If you're going to heat your home with wood, you should learn how to operate and maintain a wood burner to keep it safe and efficient for many years.

With fall and winter knocking, chimney maintenance is a priority before firing up your wood burner. Learn how to properly clean and inspect your chimney.

Solar developments are rapidly growing in Pennsylvania and Ohio. The renewable energy source could help family farms and the surrounding communities.

So, you’ve been contacted by a solar developer about leasing your land or you want to see if your farm might be a good fit. Here's what you need to know.

Learn how to use the induced alternating magnetic field around high-voltage transmission power lines to make a fluorescent tube bulb glow.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection is awarding grants for clean energy vehicle projects in Pennsylvania.

With unsuccessful results, the energy developer decided to "cease operations" in the Ashland-Richland County area.

Landowners in the Ashland-Holmes-Richland County area should review the lease agreement with Cabot carefully, and consider what they might gain and forfeit by signing.