Sunday, December 22, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "deer"

Tag: deer

Managing woodlots to encourage the growth of woody browse can attract deer and help maintain your woodlot. Learn how to create an ideal habitat for deer.

Over the years, there have been several white deer in Mill Creek MetroParks in Boardman, Ohio. Learn more about the condition causing their unique coloring.

Juvenile white-tailed deer that strike out to find new home ranges — despite facing more risks — survive at about the same rate as those that stay home.

Learn how to recognize the signs of a nervous deer based on the position of its tail and determine your best course of action before it takes off.

Autumn is when deer-vehicle collisions peak. Learn how to be careful on the roadways and avoid collisions with deer.

It’s important that any venison derived from hunting be handled safely to avoid the spread of foodborne pathogens, which could cause foodborne illnesses.

In a continuing effort to control deer populations, the ODNR will coordinate special deer hunts at eight state nature preserves. 

Those hunting in or near areas where chronic wasting disease has been confirmed should take precautions this deer season.

Penn State researchers have identified a panel of genetic markers that reliably predict which deer are more susceptible to chronic wasting disease.

The first year to see an Ohio deer harvest total over 10,000 was 1974 when 10,747 were tagged. Hunting in all 88 counties was not permitted until 1979.