Sunday, December 22, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "cover crops"

Tag: cover crops

Right now offers a tremendous chance to build your soil and scavenge some nutrients by planting cover crops. Learn more about establishing a good rotation.

Cover crops can be beneficial to most dairy farms, providing additional forage options, reducing erosion and runoff, improving soil health and more.

Cover crops also protect the soil from erosion, reduce soil compaction and provide a natural means of suppressing soil diseases and pests.

New strategies like interseeding can relieve the time crunch farmers feel during harvest and help them make sure a cover crop is in the ground in the fall.

Holmes County's aerial cover crop program saves farmers money and helps stop erosion and retain moisture and nutrients in the soil.

Zeb Winslow III shared his journey and missteps into no-till farming at the Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance Summer Field Day on July 24.

Soil and water conservation districts in the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District are coordinating a Cover Crop Cost Share program.

Farmers can hay, graze or cut cover crops for silage, haylage or baleage on prevented plant acres on or after Sept. 1 and still maintain eligibility for their full 2019 prevented planting indemnity.

Cover crops help build your soil profile and open channels to allow heavy rain to quickly infiltrate into the ground where it is useful to plants.

Starting with 2016 and continuing through '17 and '18 the Indiana State Seed Lab has had high failure rates on both regulatory and service samples of rye.