Tag: county fairs
Hidden gem is a Canfield Fair tradition
For the many visitors and exhibitors of the Canfield Fair, the Pop Shop Restaurant has become a tradition, and is celebrating 45 years at the 2016 fair.
Passion for the fair runs deep
Tanya Marty has not missed a day of the Wayne County Fair in 44 years and it was only natural her passion would land her a spot on the county fair board. But what is it like being the lone woman on the board? Marty says, she is just one of the guys.
Harrison County Fair youth show livestock champions
The 2016 Harrison County Fair market livestock sale was held July 8. The sale totaled $356,394.70 with a total of 478 animals crossing through the ring.
Ohioan fulfills dream of visiting all of state’s county fairs
Ohio man completes goal of visiting all of state's county fairs, making many memories along the way.
Pennsylvania lifts ban on live poultry shows
With the risk of bird flu diminishing, Pennsylvania has lifted its ban on live poultry shows and exhibits in time for the upcoming county fair season.
Blue ribbons and baking contests
Have you ever entered any of your creations into a fair baking contest?
New Holmes County Fairgrounds making progress
The new Holmes County Fairgrounds continues to grow, with a major project out to bid right now.
Tuscarawas County Fair 2015
History was made at the Tuscaraws County Fair Sept. 24 when the first grand champion and reserve champion dairy steers were sold.
Hog sale raises funds for cystic fibrosis
In honor of his cousin, 16-year-old Isaac Klingman decided to donate all of the proceeds to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation from his hog at the Wayne County Fair.
Support for county fairs continues to amaze
For soil and water conservation districts, the county fair is an opportunity to deal with folks on a one-to-one basis in a very relaxed atmosphere. (And, boy! Do we get questions!)