Tag: corn
Getting ready for corn silage harvest
Now is the time to be reviewing, servicing and preparing equipment used in the silage harvest process so that downtime doesn't decrease your silage quality.
Corn silage and foliar fungicide application
Now until pollination is the time to scout corn for fungal disease. Corn treated with fungicide had improved fermentation and better dry matter values.
Ethanol plants pledge to hit net zero emissions by 2050
More than 40 ethanol plants said in a letter sent to President Joe Biden that they support the goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030 and hit net zero by 2050. The list of signatories includes one Ohio ethanol plant, Guardian Lima LLC, in Lima, Ohio.
Weather drives rising corn prices
The price of corn in the United States has been increasing this year and is now approaching record highs. Like in 2012, the weather is a factor.
How does ethanol fit into a net zero emissions future
A recent study found that the adoption of E15 gasoline across Ohio would drive new grain demand for farmers and boost household incomes and tax revenue. This news comes at a time as ethanol producers and marketers are trying to show how the biofuel fits into the transition to clean energy.
Corn market keeps booming prior to report
The perception of the market is that there's not enough corn to get through the year, especially with the current export pace that's ahead of projections.
Corn continues to confound the market
Corn continues to lead the grain markets higher on the Chicago Board of Trade. Marlin Clark weighs in in this week's grain markets report.
COVID and harvest put pressure on the market
The contra-seasonal market that has made new highs during harvest has finally broken down in the last week. Marlin Clark analyzes the recent changes.
Ethanol industry still recovering from COVID hit
Ethanol production hit record lows in April when stay-at-home orders were enacted. Learn more about the local impact and where the industry stands today.
Fall brings memories of harvests past
Judith Sutherland shares what she remembers best about fall during her childhood – running her hands through an abundance of golden shelled corn.