Tag: conservation
Weed killer Atrazine aids conservation tillage
GREENSBORO, N.C. -- According to a new study by Paul D. Mitchell, ag economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the herbicide atrazine benefits U.S. corn, sorghum and sugar cane farmers by up to $3.3 billion annually, thanks to increased yield, decreased cost and reduced soil erosion.
OSU Extension, conservation services partner for livestock composting workshop
NEWARK, Ohio -- The Seneca, Crawford and Wyandot Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Natural Resources Conservation Service and OSU Extension will hold a livestock mortality composting workshop Jan. 18 from 7-9 p.m. at Wyandot County Recycling Center, 11385 County Highway 4, Carey, Ohio.
Abraham Lincoln makes appearance at Wayne SWCD annual meeting
WOOSTER, Ohio -- It was fitting that the man who signed the proclamation for the first official Thanksgiving and established the U.S. Department of Agriculture was on hand help celebrate agriculture and conservation at the 2011 Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District annual meeting.
Ohio farmers battle sedimentation, nutrient runoff in creative ways
Farmers stepping up conservation efforts, in light of new algal blooms in Lake Erie watershed.
Stark SWCD plans annual meeting and elections
MASSILLON, Ohio -- The board of supervisors of the Stark Soil and Water Conservation District will hold its annual meeting and banquet Nov. 17 at the RG Drage Career Center in Massillon, Ohio.
W. Va. announces deadline to apply for farmland protection funding
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- Anyone interested in being considered for funding under the fiscal year 2012 Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program should submit an application by Nov. 15.
The Dirt on Conservation: Time to award those who have conserved...
Over the next few months, soil and water conservation districts will be having their annual meetings and open houses. These events will showcase all the conservation activities within the district for the past year.
Farmers’ Guide to the Conservation Stewardship Program now available
WASHINGTON -- The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition released an updated version of the Farmers' Guide to the Conservation Stewardship Program.
Scott Shalaway: Looking back to 9/11; nature is the place to...
Ten years ago, in the aftermath of 9/11, I wrote about nature's September highlights. I touched on fall colors, shorter days, cooler nights, and the migration of birds and monarch butterflies
Leave the land the way you found it: Motto keeps Muskingum...
Dresden, Ohio couple striving to use good stewardship practices in land use.