Thursday, December 26, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "CAUV"


This week's biggest stories center around planting progress during wet spring weather as well as two CAUV bills on hold in Ohio's state legislature.

Time is running out if lawmakers are going to act on CAUV this legislative session.

From Ohio's CAUV hearings to the latest spring planting update, here's a rundown of our biggest news this week.

Some county auditors warn that lowering Ohio's CAUV will likely increase residential taxes.

Ohio Farmers Union holds meeting in Medina County to discuss CAUV.

The Ohio Senate Ways and Means Committee held the second hearing on the CAUV reforms.

CAUV reform bill getting attention in Senate committee.

Ohio land owners have taken multiple steps to appeal the recent rise in CAUV rates.

Landowners suing the state over CAUV calculations hope to keep the court case local.

House and Senate both introduce bills to continue amending Ohio's CAUV formula.