Tag: cattle
It takes nutrients to grow forage
Proper soil nutrients are required for forage plants to maximize growth. Data indicates our forage plants use 20+ elements to live and grow. All...
U.S. DOT says no to new regulations for American ag community
Guidance from the U.S. Department of Transportation will ensure states continue to use commonsense in applying existing safety rules.
Baker’s Golden Dairy: From cow to consumer in one stop
Not only is Baker’s Golden Dairy taking an old idea and making it new again, but they are using social media to do it.
Pa. grazing conference to feature cattlemen Kit Pharo and Jeremy...
PENNSDALE, Pa. — The Lycoming County Conservation District is offering an opportunity to hear two nationally known grazing experts at a fall meeting, “Sustainable...
4-H’ers wrap up project year at Summit County Fair market livestock...
Find out who topped the junior fair market livestock competitions at this year's Summit County Fair.
Sliced or diced, baloney is baloney
Rupert Murdoch came before a House of Commons committee investigating the misdeeds of his company’s British newspapers with his heart on his sleeve. He...
Carroll Co. Fair: record setting year
Record prices were recorded in the steer, hog and lamb junior fair divisions at the Carroll County Fair.
Ohio Cattlemen’s Roundup to be held Aug. 27 in Gallia County
THURMAN, Ohio — The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s Roundup will take place Aug. 27 in Gallia County.The program includes an informational session with speakers from the...
Tomorrow’s dairy industry leaders are looking to develop career paths through...
The Jersey Youth Academy made a stop at Grammer Jersey Farm to learn about the 600 milking cow operation.
Just the facts when it comes to GIPSA
Hedge ’em, hide ’em or howl at ’em, facts are facts. Trim ’em, trash ’em or trip over ’em, they still are facts....