Tag: Canada
Get out of your fence row
Ohio State Extension educator David Marrison shares insights from the 24th Congress of the International Farm Management Association.
Consider a summer fishing trip to Canada
Have you thought about a fishing trip to Canada this summer? A day's drive will get you to a string of warm days full of adventure.
Want to move to Yukon? Canada offering land to homesteaders
Farming in Canada's Yukon territory offers many challenges, but also offers high heaps of hope for adventurous souls.
Annual outing to Lake Temagami
Mike Tontimonia details a fishing trip to Lake Temagami, located in Ontario, Canada.
60 years of fishing, friendship and fun
Every year for the last 60 years, Mike Tontimonia and a group of friends have visited the same remote Lake Temagami Island for an all-guys getaway.
U.S. and Canada dispute milk trade
The U.S. and Canada continue to dispute the trade of ultrapurified milk, at a time when the U.S. could lose market share.
Farmers expected to shoulder world’s weight
Why doesn’t the general public trust us with the role of producing food in the best way we know how? Editor Susan Crowell voices frustrations at 'outsiders'' expectations.
Bear Island is a Canadian landmark to see
Learn about the second largest island on Lake Temagami.