Tag: birding
Successful birding through winter
A few weeks ago the temperature dropped below 30 degrees, and the first winter feeder birds, white-throated sparrows and dark-eyed juncos, showed up.
Trophies of all types keep memories alive
Among hunters and anglers a trophy is the mount that hangs on the wall. It is the memory of a conquest.
It can also be...
Scott Shalaway: No one has to tell the birds summer is...
On Aug. 25 at a high school football game on Wheeling Island in the Ohio River, a flock of high flying birds distracted my attention from the game. Shortly before sunset, I counted about 50 common nighthawks swirling and feeding above the stadium lights. I watched until they disappeared in the darkening night sky.
Warblers galore at Magee Marsh in Oak Harbor
Like most birders, I keep a life list. It is simply a list of the first time and place I saw any particular species....