Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "birding"

Tag: birding

Over the next two weeks, rose-breasted grosbeaks may be making appearances at bird feeders.

Publishers of nature-themed books seem to be in overdrive this spring. Here are some of the best I've had a chance to review.

May is when many birders are born. The aroma of lilacs fills the air and spring migration shifts into overdrive.

Get the kids and grandchildren involved in building a few boxes for backyard cavity-nesters like bluebirds and chickadees.

As exasperating as fluctuating temperatures are to us, they can really wreak havoc on migratory birds.

Birds sing for two reasons. The message depends upon who hears the song.

Though Carolina wrens eschew traditional nest boxes, they are easily coaxed into a simple box that takes advantage of this wren's loose definition of a cavity.

Birds may begin nesting early this year, unless there is a late winter cold snap or snowstorm.

The walls and top consist of grid panels of 2-inch by 2-inch heavy-duty wire mesh that allows birds to pass freely,

Only through long-term banding efforts can scientists unlock the mysteries of avian natural history.