Thursday, January 16, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "4-H"

Tag: 4-H

The Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club donated two gift baskets that were part of a silent auction to benefit the Mahoning County Junior Fair.

The Mahoning County Goat Herders hosted a meeting Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. at O'Brock Farm.

Helping get 4-H calves off to a healthy start begins at the dairy. Work with the youth that buy your calves to help them and their calf thrive.

Ava Lonneman, of Portage County, Ohio, is the winner of the National 4-H Council’s 2017 Youth In Action Pillar Award for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). She will serve as a spokesperson for 4-H STEM programming across the nation.

The Mahoning County Junior Fair Board met in February. The members were encouraged to volunteer to assist with several special events this spring.

Cecil 4-H will be holding its first meeting for the year Feb. 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Cecil Volunteer Fire Hall.

The Mahoning County Goat Herders 4-H club met Jan. 14 at the O'Brock Farm, North Benton, to hold the election of officers.

Records shattered when 420 animals grossed $369,360 at the junior livestock sale Jan. 10, at the 2017 Pennsylvania Farm Show.

Colton Zundel of New Alexandria, Westmoreland County, took home grand champion market steer honors with his 1,315-pound middleweight crossbred steer.

Western Reserve Ranger 4-H members Emma, Karl, Olivia and William Reph were selected to serve on the 2017 Mahoning County Junior Fair Board.