Tag: 4-H
In honor of Drew Palmer
A 10-year-old donated all the proceeds from the market lamb he brought to the Harrison County Fair to childhood cancer research, in honor of his friend.
Roundup of 4-H news for July 20, 2017
During the July meeting of Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club, William Reph talked about 4-H Sea Camp at Kelley's Island on Lake Erie.
Kentucky 4-H plans solar eclipse camp
The West Kentucky 4-H Camp in Dawson Springs is in the direct path of a total solar eclipse that will occur Aug. 21.
Roundup of 4-H news for July 6, 2017
The 2017 Tuscarawas County 4-H Demonstration Contest was June 22 at Broadway United Methodist Church.
Help children continue learning this summer
Make sure summer learning experiences focus on subjects that are important to your family values — agriculture, the outdoors, and independence.
Roundup of 4-H news for June 1, 2017
Catch up on news about the Geauga Beef & Swine 4-H Club, the Geauga Dairymen 4-H Club and The Tractor Supply Company Paper Clover fundraiser.
New Tuscarawas Co. land ownership book for sale
2017 Edition of Tuscarawas County Plat Book now on sale for $20.
Roundup of 4-H news for May 25, 2017
The Country Folks and Country Barbwires will be participating in the Marlboro Memorial Day Parade.
Roundup of 4-H news for May 18, 2017
During the May meeting of the Western Reserve Rangers 4-H club, members were recognized for their participation in various events and contests.
4-H leader honored for work in youth poultry program
The 2017 Carolyn Blum Memorial Pennsylvania Poultry Youth Service Award was presented to Kim Munden, of Meadville, Pennsylvania.