Wednesday, November 27, 2024

county fairs - search results

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HERSHEY, Pa. - At its annual meeting Nov. 14-16 in Hershey, the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau adopted a policy calling for property tax reform and presented several awards to members.

NEW GARDEN, Ohio - A surprised Paul Zehentbauer accepted the Columbiana County Farm Bureau's Distinguished Service Award during the organization's annual meeting Sept.

CANTON, Ohio - After donating their time and effort to the Farm Bureau for more than 40 years, Herb and Doris Snyder received the Distinguished Service Award from the Stark County Farm Bureau.

SUGARCREEK, Ohio - "Hog Wild for Our Ohio" was the theme for the 2005 Tuscarawas County Farm Bureau annual meeting Aug.

SALEM, Ohio - Did he or didn't he switch ear tags? That question doesn't matter much now for the state department of agriculture as it investigates Howard Parrish's role in the swap of his granddaughter's 2004 county fair champion hog, apparently to save the prized gilt from death.

Baseball has its winter hot-stove league when teams and players wheel and deal in hopes of improving their World Series chances.

CAMP HILL, Pa. - The Pa. Commonwealth Court has issued a ruling upholding a Chester County Court decision allowing the inclusion of a farm in an Agricultural Security Area.

PLAIN CITY, Ohio - Tom Thorbahn of Vickery, Ohio, was inducted into the Ohio State University Dairy Science Hall of Service at the Buckeye Dairy Club Recognition Banquet held May 7.

IRONDALE, Ohio - The first summer twentysomething Harold "Jake" Sutton was on his own as a dairyman, he had the cows, the barn, the tractors.

Last year you told us stories of romance, pranks, family bonding and missteps. What will you come up with this year? Since we know you still have countless fair memories to share with us, we're again inviting readers to send us their favorite county fair stories and pictures.