Washington Co. crowd makes up for no records


WASHINGTON, Pa. – While no records were broken, FFA and 4-H members in Washington County, Pa., had a nice crowd for their annual market livestock sale at the Washington County Agricultural Fair in Washington, Pa.
Total receipts for the sale were $219,316, which came close to last year’s total. More than $9,000 of the total receipts was donated toward scholarships.
Callie Chapman of McGuffy FFA took home two grand champion banners and one reserve champion banner. Now a senior elementary and special education major at Bethany College, this year was her last to show at the fair.
Goats. Chapman’s 85-pound grand champion market goat sold to Tri-State Supply for $10 a pound.
The 85-pound reserve champion goat, shown by Abby Miles, brought in $5 a pound from Chapman Corporation.
Lambs. Olivia Hrutkay’s grand champion lamb weighed in at 121 pounds and sold for $24 a pound to Frank Sarris of Sarris Candy.
Tri-State Supply continued to support Chapman when representative, Bruce Cowden bid $8.50 a pound for her 132-pound reserve champion lamb.
Hogs. For the second year in a row, Chapman showed the grand champion hog. Her 270-pound winner went to Cheplic Packing Inc. for $7.25 a pound.
Chapman donated half of her winnings back to the county FFA program.
Kaleb Leasure’s reserve champion hog, weighing 258 pounds, brought in $6.25 a pound from K&M Construction and Fabricating.
He donated 20 percent of those proceeds to his church, Mt. Hermon Baptist.
Steers. Cheplic Packing Inc. furthered its support as representatives George and Jason Cheplic won the bidding war for Courtney Cowden’s 1,326-pound grand champion steer at $6.10 a pound.
Hoss’s corporate office paid $2 a pound for Lexie Matthews’ 1,276-pound reserve champion steer.
Rabbits. The grand champion pen of three rabbits, shown by Mackenzic White, sold for $700 to “DiSalle for Judge.”
The reserve pen, shown by Taylor White, was bought by Erie Insurance Agency for $385.