Warren County Fair sale sets record


Pittsfield, Pa. – All roads led to the Warren County Fair Aug. 9, as 4-H and FFA members offered quality market animals for sale.

Business representatives dug deep as they brought bidding to a record high for the grand champion beef.

Eleven beef animals were offered for sale. The grand champion, raised by Thomas Carr, weighed in at 1,489 pounds and sold to Thorne’s Bilo for a record $4.25 a pound, netting its owner $6,328.50.

The reserve champion, raised by Warren Carr, weighed in at 1,346 pounds and sold to Curtiss Well Service for $3 per pound.

The top lamb, raised by Melvin Murvine, got a strong bid of $10.25 per pound from Midtown Motors. The reserve champion, owned by Dennis Foster and weighing 83 pounds, brought $9 per pound from Thorne’s Bilo.

Nine swine were offered for sale. The grand champion, raised by Nicole Doverspike, weighed in at 236 pounds and sold to North Auto Crushers for $6 per pound.

Nick Doverspike, who raised the reserve champion, earned $5 per pound from Thorne’s Bilo for his 259-pound pig.

A total of $46,313.45 was divided between the owners of the market animals. Just over $4,000 was raised for 4-H Development Council.

The Safe Place, St. Joseph’s Soup Kitchen, and the Salvation Army all received donations of meat.

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